
Duties and Rights

Action Directions of the Association

  • Make proposals for the preparation and improvement of drafts of legal acts in the relevant field, participate in their public discussion.
  • Make proposals for the preparation and improvement of standards, technical conditions, norms and other technical normative legal acts in the relevant field.
  • Cooperate with relevant state bodies (institutions) and private partners in the relevant field, implement joint projects.
  • Request and receive information (documents) from state and local self-government bodies, individuals and legal entities regarding their activities.
  • Participate in the implementation of scientific research in the relevant field, as well as in the formation of research and development (R&D) centers.
  • Prepare proposals for carrying out improvement works in the relevant fields and submit them accordingly.
  • Study public opinion in the relevant field and present materials prepared based on research results.
  • Participate in the implementation of measures to further improve the position of the Republic of Azerbaijan in international rankings and reports in the relevant field.
  • Investigate the needs of specialist resources in the country in the relevant field, assess organizational potential, prepare proposals for strengthening scientific, technical and personnel potential and participate in the implementation and coordination of these works.
  • Make suggestions regarding the preparation of teaching and practice programs in the relevant field, including books and teaching aids and participate in the implementation of events in this field.
  • Create educational institutions and scholarship programs to strengthen national, scientific-technical and personnel potential in the relevant field and establish funds if necessary.
  • Establish branches and representative offices in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan and abroad.
  • Enter into deals, agreements, contracts that do not contradict the legislation in force in the Republic of Azerbaijan, including outside the country's borders and this Charter. Acquire property and personal non-property rights, act as a plaintiff and defendant in court.
  • Participate in international events, become a member of organizations operating abroad in the relevant field and cooperate with these organizations on a project basis or represent them.
  • Organize competitions, seminars, conferences, panel discussions, courses, trainings, symposia, forums, exhibitions, etc.
  • Issue special bulletins and other publications.
  • Engage legal entities specialized in scientific research, experimental-engineering, technical expertise, consulting services and publicity-promoting works, including scientific research and educational institutions, non-governmental organizations, mass media, as well as independent experts and specialists.
  • Engage in entrepreneurial activities that are not prohibited by legislation and align with the objectives of the activity.
  • Dispose of the funds and property of the Association in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan and this Charter.
  • Exercise other rights provided by legislation in connection with the performance of duties.

Duties of the Association

  • Make proposals for strengthening national potential and implementing reforms in the relevant field.
  • Investigate the possibility of using innovative projects (including start-ups) and make proposals related to the relevant field.
  • Promote the development and export of national technical resources and software in the relevant field and support activities in this area.
  • Support the application of scientific and technical achievements in the relevant field, considering advanced international experience.
  • Promote domestic, regional and international cooperation in the relevant field, implement measures, make proposals, support event organization and establish an open and inclusive cooperation platform.
  • Make proposals for improving the Republic of Azerbaijan position in international rankings and reports in the relevant field.
  • Conduct educational and informational activities in the relevant field and propose effective and efficient provisions for these activities.
  • Regularly analyze existing threats and risks in the relevant field, forecast future threats and propose prevention and mitigation measures, including prompt and efficient information exchange.
  • Suggest appropriate countermeasures against the dissemination of propaganda and disinformation in cyberspace that goes against the national interests of the Republic of Azerbaijan and support coordination in this area.
  • Inform the population about its activities and maintain an updated website.
  • Consider applications related to the association activities and take necessary measures in accordance with the law.
  • Perform other duties as established by legislation and this Charter.