The project "Development of Scientific and Methodological Teaching Materials for the Information Security Specialty," submitted by the Association of Cybersecurity Organizations of Azerbaijan (ACOA), has been declared the winner of the "Organizing Volunteer Activities in Education" grant competition conducted by the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
As part of the project aimed at supporting the alignment of education with modern standards in professional training, ACOA will involve relevant experts to develop syllabi, methodological materials, and teaching content for the bachelor’s degree program in Information Security. These materials will cover subjects such as "Fundamentals of Cryptography," "Security of Electronics and IoT Devices," and "Social Engineering."
Subsequently, the prepared materials will be presented and training sessions conducted at relevant higher education institutions, ensuring accessibility to these resources. It is worth noting that in 2024, with the support of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, ACOA successfully developed teaching and methodological materials for the subjects “Web Security,” “Network Security,” and “Legal Aspects of Information and Cybersecurity.” These materials have been delivered to the appropriate higher education institutions.
Regarding the "Organizing Volunteer Activities in Education" grant competition conducted by the Ministry of Science and Education, it should be noted that a total of 112 projects were submitted. All projects initially underwent a technical expertise phase, after which 109 projects advanced to the content evaluation stage.
During the content evaluation phase, the projects were assessed using a 100-point scale based on nine criteria. At the end of this stage, the highest-scoring projects were reviewed in coordination with the State Support Agency for Non-Governmental Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Azerbaijan Youth Foundation, in accordance with Presidential Decree No. 652 dated October 21, 2015.
As a result, grants were awarded to 15 projects submitted by non-governmental organizations.