
A seminar on cybersecurity was held for students of Azerbaijan Technical University


A seminar on cybersecurity was held for students of Azerbaijan Technical University

The next seminar was held at the Azerbaijan Technical University (AzTU) within the framework of the "Cybersecurity Awareness Month". In the seminar jointly organized by ACOA and AzTU, students were given detailed information about "Cyber war" and "Dark web". More than 300 students of the university of the same name participated in the seminar.

The seminar was opened by Rauf Jabarov, Deputy Chairman of ACOA Management Board and Yadigar Imamverdiyev, Head of Information Security Department of AzTU. Then Miragshin Abutalibov, the founder of the "Qarabug" cybersecurity platform, a partner of ACOA and Mehmet Caner Köroğlu, the co-founder and technical director of the Turkish cybersecurity company "Brandefence" presented interesting topics. At the end, interesting discussions were held with the participation of students.